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12 Gratitude Journaling Prompts for Thanksgiving

Writer's picture: Kemi KodjaKemi Kodja

'Tis the season to give thaaaaanks!!!!

And while we should be intentional about cultivating an attitude of gratitude all year round, the reality is, that we tend to get carried away by our day-to-day life, and days like Thanksgiving provide an opportunity for us to pause and really think about what we're grateful for.

Journaling is an amazing tool to reflect and engage your thoughts and your memories, especially when you're writing in stream-of-consciousness form. When you write in stream-of-consciousness, you get to write whatever comes to your mind, as it comes to your mind, without filtering it. This form of journaling is really beneficial as it allows you to let your thoughts flow from your mind and onto the journaling pages.

I've taken this practice a step further, by addressing my journal entries to God instead of addressing them to myself or my journal. This allows me to turn my journaling time into intentional time with God and I looove it. Try it out this week as you journal out these prompts and let me know what you think.

Now, here's the fun part! Check out these 12 gratitude journaling prompts you can use to reflect this Thanksgiving:

  1. What is one way God has shown His faithfulness to you this year? Write to God about it and thank Him for always showing up for you no matter what.

  2. Who in your life has been a source of encouragement and support this year? Write a prayer in your journal thanking God for them.

    1. Bonus:  Send them a quick text thanking them for being in your life and just reminding them that you're thankful for them.

  3. How has God grown your character or stretched your faith this year? Write to Him about it and thank Him for the ways you've seen your faith grow this year.

  4. Who in your family or community are you especially grateful for? Write a prayer in your journal thanking God for them.

    1. Bonus: Send them a quick text thanking them for being in your life and just reminding them that you're thankful for them.

  5. Think of a time when God provided for you in a tangible way this year and write to Him about it.

  6. What is a prayer that God has answered this year? Write to Him about it and express your gratitude for this answered prayer!

  1. Which Bible verse has been coming up a lot in your mind lately? Write to God about it. Be open and honest with Him about the emotions that this verse brings you, and thank Him for keeping His Word at the forefront of your mind.

  2. Write about three unexpected blessings you received this year.

  3. Reflect on a challenge you faced this year. What blessings or lessons came from it? Write about them and thank God for allowing you to get to the other side of this challenge.

  4. If you could give an award to the person who has had the most impact on your 2024 so far, who would it be? Write about why you chose this person and how they have impacted your year.

    1. Bonus: Send them a quick text letting them know the impact they've had on your year and let them know you're thankful for them.

  5. Is there something plaguing your mind today? Something you're anxious about and trying not to think of today? Write to God about it. Be open and honest with Him about how you feel and let Him into that situation.

    1. While this season is dedicated to gratitude, sometimes there are very sucky things happening in our day-day lives that we just can't ignore. Bring those things to God today and ask Him to help you find gratitude in the midst of these trials.

  6. How do you see God working in your life right now? Write to Him about it.

As you journal out these prompts, let your thoughts naturally turn into prayers that you surrender to the Lord. I pray that as you journal them out, you are filled with gratitude for all that the Lord has done so far in 2024!

I pray you have an amazing Thanksgiving with your family!

P.S. I am thankful for you! Thank you for being a part of my Highly Favored Tribe! I love you and appreciate your continuous support!



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