Journaling to God is one of my favorite ways to connect with Him. I tend to have a lot on my mind, so grabbing my journal and putting my thoughts on paper while having a conversation with God has been super helpful for my mental health. As we continue onto this new year, I wanted to share 12 journaling prompts I'm using to check in with God about the year.

1. What are your hopes for 2024?
What do you hope happens this year? What changes do you hope to see? Write to God about them. Be open and honest about the things you hope to see happen this year. Don't hold back out of fear of what you believe to be possible. Be open and honest with God.
2. How do you feel about 2024 so far?
The year is well underway now and you've had a chance to get acquainted with 2024. How do you feel about the year so far? Write to God about it. Be open and honest with Him about the experiences you've had so far in 2024 and how they have shifted or strengthened your perspective and your hopes for this year.
3. Are there any significant milestones you are hitting this year?
Do you have an anniversary coming up? A milestone birthday? Are there any big milestones that you're hitting this year that have you feeling emotional in one way shape or form? Write to God about them. Be open and honest with Him about how you're feeling about hitting this milestone.
4. What's something you want to do this year that you know, you need God's help to accomplish?
Needing God is not a weakness, it's a strength. You can do all things, through Him who gives you strength (Philippians 4:13). Write to God about the goals you have this year that are feeling too overwhelming and ask Him for His help.
5. What is God asking you to do in 2024?
What do you know without a shadow of a doubt that God has called you to do in 2024? Write to Him about it. How do you feel about it? Are you running away from the call like Jonah (Jonah 1:3)? Are you being hesitant like Moses (Exodus 3:11)? Do you feel capable, but wonder how you're going to make it happen with everything else going on? That's ok, bring it to God and unpack how you're feeling with Him.
6. What are some things you were previously working on, that God has clearly asked you to take a break from?
How do you feel about that? What fears do you have, if any, about no longer pursuing the path you thought was the one God wanted you to follow? Write to God about it. Be open and honest with Him about how you're feeling and ask Him to help you be obedient.
7. What's an area of your faith you hope to grow in 2024?
Write to God about it and ask Him for His help. Think about what has previously stopped you from growing in that area. Do you still feel like those things could stop you now? If yes, talk to God about that too, and ask Him to help you overcome those obstacles so you can continue to grow in your relationship with Him.
8. What's a sin you struggle with that you want to be free from in 2024?
Write to God about it. Be open and honest with Him about your struggle and your desire (or lack of desire) to stop engaging in this sin. Ask God to help you be free this year. Ask Him to lead you to resources, community, or anything that can help you as you not only become free this year, but stay free. Don't let shame stop you from being open with God. He can't help you overcome the areas and things you hide from Him.
9. What's something you've tried to do in the past but failed over and over again, that you want to give another try this year?
Write to God about it. Be open and honest with Him about the times you've tried in the past and what happened. Ask Him for His help in attempting to reach this goal again. Ask Him to open your heart to a different path He may want you to take, or a different perspective He may want you to have on what reaching this goal means.
10. What has you feeling anxious about the upcoming year?
Write to God about anything about the upcoming months that has you feeling anxious. Is there an upcoming project coming up at work that you're stressed about? Is there a big exam you have to take this year? Is there a big event this year where you have to face a fear or do something life-changing? Talk to God about it. Be open and honest with Him about how you're feeling and ask Him to ease your fears about the upcoming months.
11. What's a promise from God you're still waiting to see come to pass?
Write to God about it. How has your waiting season impacted your self-esteem? How has it impacted your relationship with God? How has it impacted your belief in God? Be open and honest with Him about how you're really feeling about it taking so long and ask Him to help you wait on His timing.
12. How will you seek God first this year?
What are some things you want to do more of this year to prioritize your relationship with God? Write to Him about them and ask Him to help you put Him first in your life this year. Ask Him to open your heart to hear Him more this year and yield more to His Holy Spirit.
I hope you enjoy these journaling prompts and that they help you connect and check in with God about your year.
Need a journal for your Journaling Time with God? Check out the Dear Jesus Journal.
This journal was created to serve as an oasis for your daily conversations with God. With 200 pages of journaling, you can use this journal as a prayer journal, to record your Bible study notes, or to simply let your thoughts flow as you journal to God.