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Writer's pictureKemi Kodja

7 Journaling Prompts to Help You Reconnect with God

We all have moments when we feel distant from God. Sometimes, it's due to the distractions of everyday life; other times, it might be the weight of our sins or feelings of inadequacy that push us away from God. Whatever the reason is that might have been keeping you away from God, I wanted to share some journaling prompts to help you reconnect with Him.

For these journaling prompts, I recommend using stream-of-consciousness writing - this is a journaling technique where you write continuously for a set period of time without worrying about grammar or structure. Simply let your thoughts flow from your heart to your journal and don't overthink it. Let this journaling time be a safe space between you and God where you're intentionally making space to connect with Him.

1. Write about a time when you felt God's presence strongly. What were the circumstances and how did you know it was Him?

When you're feeling distant from God, it's easy to forget what He's done in the past, how faithful He's been, how good just being in His presence feels... even in the midst of chaos. So with this journaling prompt, take the time to reflect on times when you felt God's presence strongly:

What was it like?

What was happening in your life at that time?

What were some habits you had during those times that helped you feel close to God?

Reflect on all of it and let the memories that flood your mind be your reminder that even when it feels like God isn't near, He always is.

2. What are the specific thoughts, behaviors, or circumstances that you feel are keeping you away from God right now?

If it helps, for this prompt, answer in bullet form.

List out thoughts you're having about yourself, your life, your circumstances, and even thoughts you're having about God that are making you feel distant from Him.

List out habits that you are engaging in that you feel are keeping you away from God. These could be sins that you've recently felt convicted about but haven't stopped, or habits that used to help you stay connected to God that you've stopped doing.

List out circumstances in your life that are keeping you away from God. Are you juggling too many things right now and struggling to make time for God? Write about it. Are you dealing with a disappointment that has you feeling angry at God? Write about it. Whatever is happening in your life right now that you feel is contributing to the distance between you and God, write about it.

Identifying the things that are keeping you away from God is key to starting an open conversation with Him about how to move forward.

3. Write a letter to God expressing your desire to feel close to Him again. Pour out your heart and tell Him how you feel.

This prompt is my favorite! As you guys know, I love addressing my journal entries to God. So whenever, I start to feel distant from Him, the first thing I do is get my journal and pour my heart out to Him. I encourage you to do the same with this prompt. If you had a mailing address for God and you knew without a shadow of a doubt that you could write a letter to Him, mail it in, and He would get it, what would you write? What would you say to Him? Write it in that letter because Jeremiah 29:12-13 tells us that when we seek God, we will find Him.

"Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." ~ Jeremiah 29:12-13

4. List at least ten things you are grateful for and thank God for each one.

Practicing gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant in your life. In seasons when you're feeling distant from God, it can be helpful to remember the answered prayers that you're currently living in. Sometimes we get too carried away with the srressors of our day to day life, that we don't fully realize that a lot of what we're living in is what we used to pray for. Use this prompt to shift your focus back to the things in your life that God has already done that you're thankful for.

5. Write about your faith journey so far. What have been the significant moments and turning points?

If you've been beating yourself up about feeling distant from God, please know that you're not a "bad" christian for feeling this way. All of us have at one point or another felt distant from God even after having grown and matured in our faith. Please don't allow the enemy to make you feel less than or underserving of continuing on this walk because of what you're experiencing right now. Instead, use this prompt to reflect on how far you've come on your faith journey so far. As you do, take a moment to note how at every step in your journey, God loved you, God was with you, and He was constantly knocking at the door of your heart, no matter how many left turns you took. He didn't give up on you then, and He's not going to give up on you now.

6. Write down any questions or doubts you have about God, your faith, or your current circumstances.

It sometimes feels taboo to question God, but pretending your questions and doubts don't exist won't make them go away. Instead take them to the one who holds the answer to the questions you have. Use this prompt to be open and honest with God about any questions or doubts you have about Him, your faith, and your current circumstances. Ask Him for His help as you navigate these doubts and guidance to the right resources, people, Bible verses to help you navigate these questions.

7. What spiritual practices (e.g., prayer, worship, reading the Bible) help you feel close to God? How can you incorporate them more into your life?

Sometimes the reason we feel distant from God is that we've been neglecting our faith habits - the habits that we know help us feel closer to God. What spiritual practices help you feel close to God? Write about them. Think about your life realistically and make a plan for how you will be intentional about going back to your faith habits. Don't set the bar too high, start slow and be realistic.

If you need a resource to help you be more intentional with your faith habits, I highly recommend the Daily Intentions Journal. This journal is designed to help you start each day being intentional about nurturing your relationship with God, prioritizing self-care, and mastering your daily schedule. You can get one from Amazon here!

I pray you found these prompts helpful! Remember the goal with these prompts is not to have perfect answers but to create a space for honest reflection and dialogue with God. As you write, be patient with yourself and trust that God is with you every step of the way, eager to draw you closer to Him.


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