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Writer's pictureKemi Kodja

How Journaling To God Can Help You With Stress Relief

Journaling is one of the most effective tools for stress relief because it gives you an outlet to release the stress you're feeling. The key is to write in detail about your thoughts and feelings related to stressful events in your life, similar to how you would talk about them in a counseling session. I've taken this practice a step further and started addressing my journal entries to God. This allows me to pour my heart out to God in a way that can make giving things to Him tangible. He basically becomes my therapist, my best friend, and my go-to person to talk things out with.

If you're someone who struggles with:

  • expressing your feelings out loud when you're upset,

  • wanting to pray to God when you're upset but not knowing what to say, or

  • getting easily overwhelmed by life and the stressors that come with it,

Journaling may be the tool you've been missing to help you manage the stress in your life.

When there's a lot going on in your life and you're feeling overwhelmed:

Grab jour journal and make a list of the things that are stressing you out. Then one at a time start journaling what about each topic is stressing you out. Start each of your entries with "Hey God," "Hi Jesus," "What's up God", (whatever flows naturally to you) and let Him know exactly what's on your mind. As you are writing out your stressors to Him, cling onto this verse which affirms that when you have a lot on your mind, you can bring it to God and He will listen to you.

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

When a specific person is causing you stress:

This could be at work, at home, or even in your friend group. We don't talk enough about how pent up anger or frustration towards someone can be a cause of stress and anxiety in our lives that often has nowhere to go. If this is what's causing you stress, grab your journal and again start your entry with "Hey God," "Hi Jesus," "What's up God", (whatever flows naturally to you) and let Him know who they are, what they did, how they're making you feel, and what you wish could be done about the situation. As you are writing, pay attention to any thoughts that come up and write about them. Be open to what God reveals to you as you are writing to Him about this person, and end your journal entry with a written prayer about the stressful situation.

When you're stressed out about an unknown outcome:

Sometimes what's causing you stress is being in the unknown... that in between space before you find out what will be the outcome of something and how you will be impacted. If that's what's causing you stress today, grab your journal and start your entry with "Hey God," "Hi Jesus," "What's up God", (whatever flows naturally to you) and let Him know what's going on, what your fears are about the potential outcomes, and generally how you are feeling. As you are writing, pay attention to any thoughts that come to your mind about your situation. If a verse randomly pops into your head, write it down. If a phrase or even an encouraging word comes up, write it down as well. When we engage with God, He responds. So while this is an exercise for you to get your anxious thoughts out, be open to receiving what God is responding to you.

"I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles." ~ Psalm 34:4-6 (NLT)

When you journal to God, your journal entries are prayers

Prayer is one of our most powerful tools as believers, and yet it's the one we utilize the least. There are many things that affect our ability to have a consistent prayer life, but when you make journaling to God a consistent habit, you are making prayer a consistent habit too. By being intentional about engaging God in your journal entries, you are inviting Him into your life and engaging in daily conversations with Him. So when the verse above says that when you pray to the Lord, He will answer you, know that when you grab your journal and write to God, you are praying to Him and He hears you.

Want a journal for your Journaling Time with God? Check out the Dear Jesus Journal. 

This journal was created to serve as an oasis for your daily conversations with God. With 200 pages of journaling, you can use this journal as a prayer journal, to record your Bible study notes, or to simply let your thoughts flow as you journal to God. Get your copy today on Amazon.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you and that the next time you're dealing with a stressor in your life, you grab your journal and pour your heart out to God.


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